Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, unexpected schedule changes happen. You can create easily optimized purchasing blend using current production schedule, in house available, on order, and market available materials.

Yes, floor inventory can get out of balance from unplanned usage, availability, environmental issues, etc. You can easily optimize a purchasing blend in order to use and take advantage of the raw materials on the floor and on order.

Most definitately, yes. The market spreads tighten in not only your main market, but alloying elements too. New materials become available and all will change the low cost mix. Not adjusting can cost you tens of thousands of dollars.

Yes, the market spreads tighten and vary often on raw materials. Market spreads can be updated in a single click and then easily optimize a new blend.

Yes, we offer seamless Blendmaster interfaces with actual raw material inventory data to display all raw material details including weight, tag number, PO, description, part number, etc.

Yes, we offer seamless Blendmaster interfaces with actual raw material order data to display all order information including PO, weight, supplier, order date, delivery date, terms, part number, etc.

Yes, knowing what is available and on order Blendmaster guide market purchases to optimize inventory and production requirements.

Yes, using current trends to predict before a furnace goes out of specification is critical. Blendmaster displays live furnace chemistry trending by element along with alerts.

Yes, using a transaction interface, raw material orders can be scheduled so receiving and operations know what material and when it is coming in.

Yes, we offer seamless Blendmaster updates with actual RM receipt data.

Yes, blends can be created to identify the tags to Shred or dry for optimized furnace blends.

Yes, once blends are created, the blends can be scheduled to follow. The schedule can be modified to change run order, add, or remove jobs.

Yes, shredder and dryer consumption can be entered for each job for plan vs actual tracking. Also, losses, run time, DT, etc. can be entered on each job in order to have a complete job history.

Yes, Blendmaster tracks and can update the tag status. A quick and easy lookup will show all tags statuses ranging from "To Be Shredded" to "Furnace Ready".

Yes, we offer seamless Blendmaster updates with actual furnace chemistries.

Yes, we offer seamless Blendmaster updates with actual tag chemistries.

Yes, optimized blends can be done to calculate what to charge to maintain, convert, correct or alloy up a furnace.

Yes, once blends are created, the blends can be scheduled to follow. The schedule can be modified to change run order, add, or remove jobs.

Yes, furnace consumption can be entered for each job for plan vs actual tracking. Also, losses, run time, DT, etc. can be entered on each job in order to have a complete job history.

Yes, we offer seamless inventory system updates with actual charges.

Yes, we offer seamless Blendmaster updates with actual RM usage data.

Yes, Blendmaster offers a RM Data warehouse for receipt, issue, order, inventory weights.

Yes, Blendmaster offers a RM Data warehouse for receipt, issue, order, inventory chemistry.

Yes, reports are auto created and available for review at any time.

Yes, all reports and data can easily be exported into one of many formats including Excel, CSV, text, PDF, etc.

Yes, services and documents are available for long term standardization and training.

Yes, ongoing success is critical to a system. Blendmaster is setup for easy and repeatable processes.

Yes. Blendmaster was designed to be easy to use. It is Windows based and is simple point and click based application. We have seen results where training time for a new Blending Personnel was reduced by over 85% by using Blendmaster over current systems.

Yes, Blendmaster’s infrastructure allows for multiple users to be using optimizing, planning and consuming to fit any production operation.

Yes. We have seen savings up to $2 MM/year by switching to scrap based blending. We offer the services and products necessary to make the transition easy and profitable for you.

Yes. Blendmaster will give you the lowest cost mix while maintaining all your process limitations. In fact, Blendmaster not only includes the ability to limit by processes but also by material type, location, load or group.

Installation is dependent on the size of your organization and the maturity of your blending systems. Call us to find out how long it will take for your organization.

Blendmaster is fully customizable so it can be used for Aluminum, Brass, Bronze, Copper, Ductile Iron, Gray Iron, Malleable Iron, Magnesium, Steel, Titanium, Zinc, etc. It can even be customized for plastics, liquids, food and others.

Blendmaster maintains an audit trail of major changes. Changes logged can tell what was changed, when and by whom. The data logging feature of Blendmaster is very useful for Six Sigma events and other data analysis to show improvements or identify focus areas.

We have seen significant returns and paybacks as short as 1 month.

Call or email for a free WebEx presentation showing how we can help. (608) 839-8200 or